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Resolutions are formal expressions of opinion, intention or policy that have been passed and approved by the appropriate governing body of the City.  Resolutions usually become effective upon their adoption.

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Resolution No. 12-17-12A concerning bridge inspection responsibility by local government for compliance with national bridge inspection standards
Resolution No. 09-17-12A Programming Surface Transportation Program Urbanized Area (STP-UZA) Project
Resolution No. 07-17-12A approving Fourth Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Del City, Del City Economic Development Authority, and Del City Retail Development, LLC
Resolution No. 07-16-12B agreement of City to provide leverage of $69,542.00 using utility revenues transferred from the Del City Municipal Services Authority to the Special Revenue-Community Block Grant Fund for construction costs and sales tax revenue of $17,788.13
Resolution No. 07-16-12A affirming the City’s commitment to take all action within its power to facilitate the receipt of the assistance of community development funds if the City is awarded a Community Development Block Grant
Resolution No. 07-02-12A establishing the rate for the Nine-One-One Emergency Telephone Service Fee for the calendar year 2013
Resolution No. 06-18-12B declaring the intent to consider approval of a project and creation of a tax increment district under the local development act;
Resolution No. 06-18-12A approving the Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Del City, the Del City Economic Development Authority, and Peregrine Development Group, LLC
Resolution No. 06-04-12F adopting Del City Economic Development Authority FY 2012-13 Budget in accordance with 60 O.S. Section 175
Resolution No. 06-04-12E approving Third Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Del City, Del City Economic Development Authority, and Del City Retail Development, LLC
Resolution No. 06-04-12D adopting Del City Municipal Services Authority FY 2012-13 budget in accordance with 60 O.S. Section 175
Resolution No. 06-04-12C adopting City of Del City FY 2012-13 budget in accordance with the Municipal Budget Act.
Resolution No. 06-04-12B authorizing the calling and holding of a special election on August 28, 2012, regarding approval or rejection of Ordinance No. 1358, relating to a renewal of the city sales tax
Resolution No. 06-04-12A approving Third Amendment to Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Del City, Del City Economic Development Authority, and Del City Retail Development, LLC
Resolution No. 01-17-12A authorizing an increase in the amount to be appropriated and contributed to the ICMA retirement fund
Resolution No. 09-19-11A authorizing participation in the Commuter Corridor Alternatives Analysis Joint Planning Process
Resolution No. 08-15-11B establishing regulations and rates for City utility services
Resolution No. 09-10-10A establishing regulations and rates for sanitation services